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Old 04-12-2010, 03:40 PM
Ty Ford Ty Ford is offline
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Originally Posted by Herb Hunter View Post
I have no doubt that others have had the same experience as you, however, manufacturers offer matched sets of microphones for a reason.
For symmetrical sound sources (and because some people think a matched pair is best in ANY case.) I know. I've been reviewing mics for a living for over 20 years for trade magazines and have had the great opportunity to talk to the tonemeisters from AKG, Neumann and Schoeps.

If you were really hinky about symmetry it would make more sense to XY the mics vertically across the bouts rather than bottom to top. That's a tip I got for George Massenburg. Once you accept that paradigm, though, it's difficult to get over concerned about matching pair.

At this point, I don't think Neumann or AKG even offer matching pairs. They claim the tolerances are tight enough mic to mic so it doesn't matter. When I bought my second schoeps, I was told they checked the curve on the one I had bought so they could choose a proper mate.


Ty Ford
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