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Old 04-11-2010, 12:17 PM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Originally Posted by KevWind View Post
So to me ,any manipulation of a single sound source out to a stereo field could be considered fake, to one degree or another. .
Ah, but the guitar isn't a single point sound source, nor are most solo instruments. And even if it was, what you hear when you play it is the way it interacts with the room, and that becomes part of the sound. Figuring out how to convey that to a listener, who is listening over unknown speakers in an unknown room is part of the art and challenge of recording. Maybe 1 mic does what you want, maybe it takes 2, maybe more. One of the nicer sounding solo guitar records I've heard lately is Tony McManus's the Maker's Mark. Very natural, "you are there" sound. I can't locate the photo at the moment, but he's using 6 mics in the oddball-est setup I've ever seen. Whatever works! And of course, it all depends on what sound you're going for. I've yet to achieve a sound I really like for my own recordings with 1 mic, but it may just be that that's not the sound I hear in my head.
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