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jebsong 12-30-2013 02:36 PM

Collings AT 16 can anyone compare this guitar to other acoustic archtop makers?
Hi, I'm thinking of getting an acoustic archtop guitar and have been looking at the Collings AT 16. But not being familiar with the different makers and archtops would like to get some input and reviews and comparisons. I'm looking for an archtop that would be the best for fingerstyle but also flatpick rhythm and lead.

Thanks, jebsong :)

Silly Moustache 12-30-2013 02:46 PM

Come on Jeb, you know nothing would compare with a Bill built !

FloridaGull 12-30-2013 03:47 PM

Here's a link to the Collings AT-16:
A beauty, to be sure...
Have you looked at the Eastman line?
Some beauties there as well...
Or, how about a 1936 Gibson L-4?
Only $3850... ;)

jebsong 12-30-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Silly Moustache (Post 3754167)
Come on Jeb, you know nothing would compare with a Bill built !

You may be right Silly but it doesn't hurt to get a unbiased opinion! LOL

Check out Trenier guitars and let me know what you think?


jebsong 12-30-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by FloridaGull (Post 3754254)
Here's a link to the Collings AT-16:
A beauty, to be sure...
Have you looked at the Eastman line?
Some beauties there as well...
Or, how about a 1936 Gibson L-4?
Only $3850... ;)

I have a 1936 Gibson L-7 and while it is a great guitar I''m looking for something that's more modern and with a slimmer neck.


Archtop Guy 12-31-2013 01:52 AM

I have two 17" L-5's, a '46 and a '77. I also have a Manzer 16". I have never owned a Collings archtop, but I have played a few and I am a Bill Collings fan in general, having owned a D-3 since '95.

The Collings archtops are pretty much loved by everyone who plays one. But still, IMO, there is no such thing as a perfect guitar, just horses for courses. A 16" would TEND to be a little better for fingerpicking, but as we all know, variations between individual guitars are greater than generalizations between types of guitars. At any rate, you can expect a Collings to be a very versatile instrument and to respond to a wide range of picking styles and touches.

But you mention Bryant Trenier... I own two Trenier's, a Magnolia Classic and an Excel, and I have another on the way. All 17". IMO his work is more of a continuation of the work of D'Angelico and D'Aquisto than any working luthier. I love the design of his guitars, but the sound is also unmatched. Since he is still a pretty young guy and his work is not as well known, you can get one of his instruments for a fraction of what you'd pay for a Collings, and you would get to work with Bryant personally to optimize it for your needs. Although the name is not as well known, I think they match the quality of the Collings, and he is a total pro to work with.

Enjoy the hunt!

Silly Moustache 12-31-2013 07:15 AM

Hi Jeb,
Someone suggested a '36 L-4 - I have a '34 L-4 (F-holes) which I got from in Seattle - it needed some work as the frets had been filed almost flat but after an excellent refret - it plays fine. Tuners are a bit tired. It's a lovely old guitar but I can't help but feel that there AT-16 would beat it.

I also have an Eastman AR805e which, frankly, is a tad better/louder sounding than the Gibson.

However another luthier that you might lke to consider is Daniel Slaman - who makes a highly regarded version of the 1923 model 16" L-5 - see this:

His price seems to be 8250 Euros = $11,350 - plus shipping and whatever import taxes the US might charge. However he has a stock item selling for Euro-7450 ($10257).

In fact if you look at his YouTube channel he has filmed the entire build.

Maryc-k 12-31-2013 10:16 AM

you need to experience the at16 for yourself.

jebsong 01-01-2014 05:00 AM

Hi everyone, Thank all of you for you input! I've been wanting a collings AT 16 for several years and I've found a used one at Cotton Music in Nashville and Kim has it on hold for me until after the first of the year. The video recordings she has sent me are not very good so it's hard for me to tell how good it sounds. To me it sounds a little to bright but that might be because of the room where it was recorded and the probably not so good mic on the video camera. This AT 16 is one of 4 that somehow were shipped to authorized Collings dealers without any stamped serial number or any other identifying marks. Kim has got a letter from Collings that will come with the guitar stating that these guitars were made between Nov of 2005 and Feb of 2006 but they don't know the exact date of each individual guitar and what dealers they went to. At that time Collings would sign his name and the date the guitar was made in pencil on the inside back of the guitar. These guitars would be the 14th to 17th AT 16's built. Starting with number 18 Bill started writing the serial number in them so number 18 would have AT16-18 hand written inside the guitar. This will all be documented in the letter and they will also send a label with Bills signature.

I've played on one several years ago here in Denver and liked the sound.

My problem is that I found this video of Eric Schoenberg playing "The Good Ship Lollipop" on a 1929 L-5 and that's the sound that I'm now wanting but I don't think the Collings will sound like that.

The Trenier's come pretty close to that sound I think. But I don't want to wait 3 years to have one made. There are 2 or 3 used ones for sale for around 5K but they have 1 3/4" nuts which I don't like.

On the other hand I think the lower serial number At 16's will become more valuable once the news gets out that Bill is no longer making them himself. For the last 4 to 5 years Aaron Huff has been the one building them. Bill first started making the AT 16 in the early 90's but discontinued the model in 96 and reintroduced them in 2004. I don't know how many he made in the 90's but I do know that there have been 74 made so far.
So I think I'm going to go ahead and get the Collings and I can send it back if I don't like the way it sounds.

Thanks again for all your input and let me know if you think the serial number issue is a positive or negative to the AT 16's future value? I'm from Austin originally so I go back often and I can take the guitar next time I go and have Bill sign it for me.


Silly Moustache 01-01-2014 05:39 AM

just a thought for the new year - when I was searching for a 0002h in the UK and found one on E-bay - and was worried about buying sight unseen - a friends said - "How bad could a Collings be?"

Don't worry about whether it was built by Bill or not - you know that if it has "Collings" written on the headstock - it will be fine.

I think your decision is the right one - order it - get it in your hands - once that happens - I have a feeling that it will only leave your grasp when your hands are cold and dead ! (Hopefully many many years away!)

Maryc-k 01-01-2014 08:15 AM

I asked if Aaron had been making these. The answer is no, he was helping with the City Limits Jazz models.

Buying an instrument thinking it will appreciate is dangerous. More than a decade ago people bought D'Angelicos thinking the prices would continue to soar. The prices bottomed out. Buy the guitar to play it.

This is one of those guitars most players want to buy, but many shy away from when it comes down to the actual purchase. When I bought mine there were at least 8 people in line in front of me to buy it. The list whittled down to one other person very quickly and as I had every intention of making a purchase I drove four hours to the store, took out my checkbook and wrote the dealer a check and told him to call that person and tell them he had a buyer standing at the counter paying cash. I drove home with the guitar an hour later.

I had a friend over a few months ago who is a hot shot picker. He sat and played mine until his eyes glazed over. I've come to the conclusion that it's not worth anything to you unless you play it. There's no way to forecast if these will increase in value. Plenty of people have lost money on musical instruments. If you want it, buy it.

fazool 01-01-2014 08:39 AM

Wow! - that AT-16 is one of the most attractive acoustic guitars I've ever seen.

If I had *any* knowledge of how or what to play on archtop, that thing would give me an incurable case of GAS.

kirkham13 01-01-2014 09:16 AM

Sounds like a wonderful instrument!

6L6 01-01-2014 09:36 AM

IMO, Bill Collings builds the finest guitars in the world, regardless of price.

I consider myself very fortunate to own two of his creations:

'99 D-1:

'11 D2HA:

Truth is, I have played a ton of Collings guitars over the years (I live just 15 minutes from Gryphon Stringed Instruments) and I have never played one that sounded "average". All were simply stellar instruments that I'd love to own!

Archtop Guy 01-01-2014 11:45 AM

I don't think an x-braced Collings will sound like a '20's L-5, but it should still be a great instrument. Opportunities like yours don't come around often, so I'd second this: get the Collings now and worry about other guitars (and money?) later.

Still, getting in line for a Trenier is a good idea, too! (And I doubt if it's three years, I just waited a year for my most recent.)

jebsong 01-01-2014 07:04 PM

Thanks again for everybody's input! Just so you know my main reason for getting the AT 16 is to play it! I don't and never have bought a guitar for only the investment . If the AT 16 does not sound great to me I will send it back and keep looking. But if I like it and keep it I think that there is a good chance it will go up in value and if not the pleasure I get from playing it you can't put a value on!

I just recently called Collings and the person I talked with who would know said that Aaron Huff has been making the AT 16 for 4 to 5 years. It's possible that they have stopped making the AT 16 temporarily, I will ask about that when I call Collings tomorrow if they are open.

I played my first Collings in 1991 and bought my first Collings 91 SJ in 1993 which I still have. I also have a F-2/SJ #11 which is one of the 21 guitars George Gruhn ordered from Bill in 1988.


Well played 91 Collings SJ this guitar was in mint condition when I bought it in 93. LOL

1989 Collings Gruhn F-2. I play this one to but carefully, the 91 is my beater!

Archtop Guy 01-02-2014 11:18 AM

Congrats, Jeb, you're my kind of guy: don't miss an opportunity.

BTW, great guitars! (And great music room.)

jebsong 01-02-2014 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Archtop Guy (Post 3758044)
Congrats, Jeb, you're my kind of guy: don't miss an opportunity.

BTW, great guitars! (And great music room.)

Thanks Guy!

I'm calling Kim today to get the AT 16 and hopefully in may hands by the middle of next week. I talked with the person in charge of keeping the records at Collings guitars today. He told me that the only AT 16 on record built prior to 2000 was in 99 so almost all the AT 16's have been made in the 2000's. He also confirmed that for the last 4 to 5 years Aaron Huff has built the AT 16's and also the AT 17's but Bill still helps with the 17's. They have also stopped taking orders for the AT 16 and AT 17 for the time being but they are still making the ones that are on order. So far they have made a total of 74 At 16's.

Thanks again for all your help and everyone's help!


Archtop Guy 01-04-2014 02:01 AM

The 17" Collings archtop that I played was x-braced, and I just assumed that he always did it that way. I now notice on his web site that he specifically avoids mention of the bracing, but he sort of implies that the 16" is like an old L-5, i.e. parallel braced. Do you know what you're getting? Let us know as soon as you know. We want to be educated!

jebsong 01-06-2014 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Archtop Guy (Post 3760323)
The 17" Collings archtop that I played was x-braced, and I just assumed that he always did it that way. I now notice on his web site that he specifically avoids mention of the bracing, but he sort of implies that the 16" is like an old L-5, i.e. parallel braced. Do you know what you're getting? Let us know as soon as you know. We want to be educated!

I'm pretty sure that the AT 16 is X braced but I will check it with my mechanics mirror when it arrives. The shipping was delayed because of the weather so it will probably be Friday before I get it.


Archtop Guy 01-08-2014 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by jebsong (Post 3764103)
The shipping was delayed because of the weather so it will probably be Friday before I get it.

Hang in there! It's hard waiting.

Jabberwocky 01-10-2014 05:49 AM

Well, look at this: . First new AT-16 I have spotted online in a long while. And it is SOLD! In under 2 weeks of its listing!

lcgeek 01-10-2014 03:15 PM

What's a ballpark price one would budget for AT 16 used (assuming they can find one)?

jebsong 01-11-2014 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Archtop Guy (Post 3766388)
Hang in there! It's hard waiting.

Hi Guy,

Got the AT 16 today and took it out of the case about 2 hours ago and it sounds great! It has X bracing and has a great warm creamy tone perfect for what I play or try to play LOL! I play a lot of country blues and ragtime but I'm out of practice! I want to learn 30's swing jazz and I think the AT 16 is perfect for this and even some Gypsy Django swing jazz.

Thanks again for all your advice I really appreciate it!

Got to get back to the AT 16!

Take care, Jeb

jebsong 01-11-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by lcgeek (Post 3769761)
What's a ballpark price one would budget for AT 16 used (assuming they can find one)?

The price for a new one is 12K but Collings is not taking any new orders at this time, The used ones are selling for about 10K and they come up for sale quite often it seams to me. The best way to find one is to call all the Collings dealers and ask them to let you know if they get one. I found mine just by luck when I called a dealer who had just heard they were getting one within the week and they put it on hold for me.

Good luck, Jeb

backdrifter 01-11-2014 08:30 AM

Congrats, Jeb! Any photos of your new beauty? What year or serial number did you get? Be sure to post this over on the Collings Forum as well!

The new AT16 that was just at Gryphon was listed (and most likely sold) for $12.5k. The last new one I saw sell was a short scale and varnished version at AMW that sold in the $14.5k range. I agree with Jeb, used prices seem to be hovering around $10 or $10.5k when you can find one. AMW currently has a used one on consignment listed at $10.5k. It's not on their website - you have to call if interested.

Congrats again, Jeb!

Archtop Guy 01-11-2014 10:12 AM

Jeb, Jeb, I am enjoying your new guitar vicariously! Man, sounds like a sweetheart of an instrument. Keep in touch. That is a rare and beautiful instrument, so we all want pictures, audio, video!

backdrifter 01-11-2014 11:56 AM

Sorry to hijack, but Archtop Guy, I just visited your website and listened to a lot of your music. I love your playing - all of it, but especially the acoustic archtop stuff. The video of you playing "Autumn Leaves" on the Trenier is sublime!

Great job! :up:

jebsong 01-14-2014 01:47 PM

Hi everyone,
Here are some photos of my Collings AT 16. I think it sounds a lot like a 1920's Gibson L-5 it's unbelievable, the more I play it the better it sounds!

jebsong :)

Archtop Guy 01-14-2014 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by backdrifter (Post 3770715)
Sorry to hijack, but Archtop Guy, I just visited your website and listened to a lot of your music. I love your playing - all of it, but especially the acoustic archtop stuff. The video of you playing "Autumn Leaves" on the Trenier is sublime!

Great job! :up:

Thank you, Backdrifter. I'm really glad you dig it, in spite of my handcrafted '90's web technology! I do feel like a bit of an evangelist for the powers of the acoustic archtop. Once you head down that path, and for me into jazz as well, there is a lifetime of challenges and joy waiting. Looks like Jeb is at the start of a wonderful journey too.

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