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Old 10-22-2012, 09:28 AM
wcap wcap is offline
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Default Night on Bald Mountain

Recently I've gotten the urge to work up a guitar arrangement for Night on Bald Mountain (played with a flatpick, for really nice strong, clear bass notes!.... I've been getting into experimenting with some intricate flatpicking/strumming lately and stumbled onto a wonderful way to play parts of this piece that I think sounds fabulous on my Goodall in particular - now I just have to figure out how to play the other 80% of the piece!).

I have always thought this piece was beautiful and loved the excitement and drama of this piece (and I'm a sucker for anything in a minor key), but it bugs me that it apparently was inspired by a poem about witches and devil worship and creepy icky stuff like that (so, it turns out the creepy bit in Fantasia was not just Disney's original interpretation - it was actually an interpretation of the original inspiration for the piece).

Someone tell me that I'm being silly for letting the original inspiration of the piece bug me!

(This is all basically a rhetorical question/request - I'm really just thinking out loud here.)
A few of my early attempts at recording:
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