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Old 10-12-2017, 03:42 PM
Guitar Slim II Guitar Slim II is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 180

sorry to butt in here again, but I keep seeing first-position scales pop up here -- in the OP's original question and in some of the links posted.

1. You don't really need to worry about fingerings in first-position. You just need to know the scale - and the names of the notes in the first position. In the Am harmonic example, all notes are natural except the G (7th), which becomes a G#. In Am and C, all notes are natural, so all you've got to do is play them. Other keys? Learn your key signatures, and they will tell you exactly what notes to make sharp or flat.

2. You can take this same approach -- spell every scale and learn every note by name -- all up and down the fretboard. But most people don't. We learn movable, fixed-position scale patterns (they work just like barre chords). Learn how these work, and learn just a couple of patterns, and you're well on your way.

Finally, don't know about websites, but you can find the same, most-common patterns in tons of books. If you like, I can chart out and and try to upload a couple of my favorite patterns.
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