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Old 02-18-2012, 01:55 PM
kbob kbob is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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I thought I have read it all! But when I started buying guitars two years ago with no expierience soon found out there was more to a guitar than sitting out in the camp fire and it sitting next to a tree! I learned you use very friendly cleaners and polishes etc! And I also learned about the nitrocelluose finshes and the UV finish from taylor! I think taylor is OK with carnuba but now MARTIN you dare to put any wax or pore clogging cleaner or wax etc! And reading some of these post about wax and such blows my mind! But I have got very tempted to want to put a light wax on my guitars and shine them up like I did my first car you know real shiny wood. But soon found out, NO NO! Use recommended stuff. But again Taylor guitars and finishes are friendler. learn something new everyday! Another polish I love to use is dunlop 65 . But it has a 1% consentration of silicone. Taylor recommends it but martin again says stay away from silicones. They too clog up the nitrocelluose pores. I use gibson nitro friendly polish.
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