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Old 01-19-2018, 11:35 AM
Eire Eire is offline
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Three thoughts I continually have as I visit (and revisit, and revisit again, and...) this thread:
  1. This guitar is simply gorgeous, and in terms of woods and bindings and trim and specialty items and such, I can see it being a natural fit in Rodger's hands -- simply a superb match in detail, between the three of you (Rodger, Mary, Tim), in designing a guitar for the end-user;
  2. For all of the nice touches, I can't help but be drawn to the simple beauty of the purling choice on the back and sides, that light-tone purfling a gorgeous contrast to the brown wood and walnut;
  3. Anyone who follows this thread should clearly understand and acknowledge fully why a guitar hand-built by a luthier costs as much as it does.
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