Thread: Taylor 612
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Old 05-08-2010, 11:49 AM
Herb Hunter Herb Hunter is offline
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Originally Posted by DanielZ View Post
Thanks for the string gauge replies. They affirm my thoughts in 612 stringing.

It's kind of a hobby for me to play exactly what The Beatles played, note-for-note.

To play Paul's acoustic guitar or bass line, just as he did on, say, "Michelle," for me, it's like being at #10 Mathew Street, the site of The Cavern Club.

And of course, since I am singing all the parts, that's where the real "me" will be.

I find a wonderful satisfaction in discovering and playing back exactly what each Beatle played.

It's not for everyone, but it is a fun hobby for me.

Are you familiar with Rob Taylor's, Beatles To A Tee, DVD series? He has exactly broken down all the guitar parts to some of the Beatles repertoire. He demonstrates each part using the same model guitars that the Beatles used on a given track and even establishes when two guitars were playing the exact same notes or when John played one chord and George, at the same time, played a different chord. There are four DVDs in the series. My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that they aren't readily available because Yoko refused to approve them. I bought a couple of them from Friendly River Music.
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