Thread: Chambertin
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Old 10-26-2011, 02:50 AM
JonPR JonPR is online now
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Originally Posted by rick-slo View Post
What I was saying is that there is not a stretch from the fifth to first fret. You let go of the high A just before that. You can still get the A note on the fourth string sympathetic harmonic.
OK, yes; I get what you mean, I'm just not sure that's what I'm hearing. I think if that were the case, you still get a cut in the level of the A, even if a harmonic did continue. I just hear it smoothly continuing.
Originally Posted by rick-slo View Post
I don't think he would alter the pattern of the earlier measures and create unnecessary difficulty.
I agree in principle, and I imagine that would apply to any other player.
But as I said on I Am Lonely - and there's evidence of it on Blackwaterside too - Jansch did seem to sometimes choose shapes higher up the neck when phrases were possible (and arguably easier) elsewhere. He always seemed to play as if he was well within his technical capacity, as if could do much harder stuff if he really wanted to show off. He seemed to deliberately give himself challenges now and then, as if he needed to keep himself awake.
(Way back at the time of Angie, he treated that with total nonchalance, as if it was kids' stuff he could do in his sleep. No wonder we can detect mixed feelings in Davy Graham's opinions of Jansch...)
Originally Posted by rick-slo View Post
That said, anyway that works out for you is the way to go.
Sure - actually none of it works for me at the moment , but I do really appreciate your heads up on it.
Have you actually played the piece successfully yourself? My admiration will know no bounds if you can manage a youtube...
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