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Old 05-12-2015, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by carpunky View Post

I know this question is all over the internet but I had a little more specific question.

I got the alternating bass down with the thumbpick. I can keep it going when improvising because i have nothing to remember. When I go to learn a song it stops being automatic.

For instance when pinching strings , so now I am having to stop and think about when to pinch and when not too.

Im just trying to figure out if its me or does it throw other off too. Just trying to get thru one measure of a simple song , like Old Susanna from Toby walkers course is taking me forever ( great by the way )

Hi cp…

When I'm first starting a new technique, I will play the repetitive part (for you the alternating bass) in time and then play individual melody notes every other measure (which seems very slow, but I can play them accurately and in time) and simply repeating them till they are boring.

When I was learning Travis Picking, I started by playing open scales (first position) with the fingers while keeping the bass going with the thumb. Scales were a known quantity to me, and I didn't have to think hard about them, so right out of the box I was moving treble/melody notes along with alternating/rapid-fire bass.

After I mastered playing one note per measure, I started playing that note twice in a measure, and (with the root and alternate bass notes). After that was boring (mastered properly), I played the note twice and evenly spaced with each bass note.

Then start adding more treble notes as you play. It takes a slow steady build up to retain accuracy, timing, and feel.


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