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Old 09-01-2019, 10:22 AM
FrankHS FrankHS is offline
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Posts: 541
Default Consider Replacing GAS with GES

Which do you value more, having a new guitar, or rather playing (and sounding) better, continually? A problem with GAS is, "No matter where you go, there you are." (We bring the same hands and mind to the new guitar, so it is likely to sound just like us.) I recently tried to quantify some of this, considering that time is money (for most of us) and I have often replaced paid work opportunity with more guitar time. But how much money have I spent on guitars and gear versus guitar _education_? The assumption is that one side of equation will eventually help us sound drastically better (GES) but the other side helps us sound slightly better, or often merely different, not drastically better (GAS.) I know, I know, you can have both, but try this experiment to possibly reveal where your values have been.

On left side of ledger, try to add up what you've spent on guitars presently acquired, plus the portion lost value of guitars you've sold below fair price. Maybe include strings too, if you have been susceptible to HSQ (Holy String Quest.) If you can only remember past X years, use that. My figure, 1978 to present: $3,100.

Other side of ledger, estimate what you've spent for Guitar Education. Count lessons, books, subscriptions, etc. My figure: (1978 to present--310 books, 13 regretted pointless lessons, 6 good productive lessons, 2 guitar magazines.) $3,600 (estimating $10 per book.)

Ponder your two numbers, obviously. There's probably another big input deserving to adjust the above ratio. Since time is money for most of us, add to Guitar Ed some value representing all your focused practice time. Don't count "personal unwinding time," nor messing-around time, nor even repertoire rehersal time, but focused practice time, if possible. Personal estimate: 5 hours per week, 40 years, x $15/hr, (with inflation.) $156,00. This input seems valid for me, because I probably could have always acquired another 5 hours per week of paid work, had I really wanted to!

My GES(1)+GES(2)/GA=51.5. (My first luthier-built guitar purchase is overdue, and I'm shopping.)

PS. Last week, I drove 4 hours (one way) from my city of 1 million to a different city of 1 million for a private lesson. I relearned the value of a good teacher. I relearned the flaw inherent learning from books and media (my erstwhile favorite source, obviously.) A book will not tell you, "YOUR string attack sounds too noisy, and here's how to fix it, based on your type hands and your type of nails." (Or whichever problem that no friend or kind guitar player will say, even if they do perceive. Interesting too, how we often fail to accurately hear ourselves.)

Care to share your equation? (And use your own-defined inputs, if desired. No need to pick apart mine. Thanks.)
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