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Old 12-31-2006, 08:46 PM
smorgdonkey smorgdonkey is offline
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From Turtle Wax's site:
Q: What is the difference between a wax and a polish?
A: The terms wax and polish are used interchangeably today. Most waxes and polishes contain some mild cleaning agents (safe for clear coat finishes) which remove old wax, minor scratches and everyday oxidation. All polish and wax products clean, shine and protect, unless otherwise stated on the label. A colour restorer or rubbing compound will clean and shine only. As always recommended, test a small inconspicuous area and always follow the back label instructions.

...and if there was no residue why would they need this there too?
Q: How do I remove the wax residue from black trim?
A: Use Turtle Wax® Trim Clean. Alternatively you can use undiluted detergent and a nail brush. Regular application of a Trim protectant, such as Turtle Wax® Dry Touch will minimise White marks on trim

Of course there is NO BUILD-UP...that's why they have this on their site too...
Q: What causes loss of beading?
A: If water beading disappears only after washing the car, don't worry, the wax is still there. Normal loss of beading on a car is temporarily "suppressed" by a car wash product. Apply a new layer of wax when rain and/or morning dew no longer bead. Also a finish in poor condition can shorten wax life. The condition of the finish plays a big part in car wax longevity.

Note the "don't worry, the wax is still there" part.
Believe what you choose to believe but it would take a long time to wear off wax from a guitar...and many shiny finishes still 'breathe' but they won't with wax in the pores. As for micron thin layers...a porous surface would absorb much of whatever one put on it unless there was something to get into the pores to make that finish 'micron thin'. It's the same with doesn't seem like there's anything there...but that's the same thing that PETRIFIES organic matter...not by contact of course but you should have the point. Note that one poster mentioned that it was a SPECIFIC Turtle Wax product...then another poster says "hey if Taylor uses it...It's ok" but just because it says 'Turtle' on it doesn't mean that it is the same product. Yeah hand me some of that 'Turtle Wheelbarrow Wax & Axle Grease' I'm going to use it on my guitar.

I will continue to believe that NO WAX on a guitar is better. Wax applies a coating. Enough said.
I'd do anything to confuse the enemy
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