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Old 04-07-2013, 10:19 PM
epaul epaul is offline
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But, you did get much of it right.

Nitro finishes are susceptible to a number of solvents, some of which, unfortunately, are produced by Homo sapiens (us). Poly finishes are impervious most solvents (you would have to be poking around a well-stocked chemistry lab in order to cook up something that would dissolve a poly finish, beer sweat, plastics and vinyls, and mosquito repellent and nacho dip certainly won't faze it.

Oh, and a well applied poly-type finish won't finish check if you happen to leave your guitar out in below zero weather and bring it in the house and pop the case open. Nor will it check and wrinkle with age.

(Taylor has tested their finish to -10F, which is as cold as their freezer goes, and the finish comes out of the freezer fine and dandy.)

-You could just as well be hung for a sheep as a goat.
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