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Old 03-01-2018, 02:55 PM
jessupe jessupe is offline
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I did state in the above post "I do think that rosewood and other wood that is endangered, that has already been cut should be used, like the Indian and the Buffalo, use all of what gave it's life for you"....something to that effect.

On utube there is a video that describes the process of "starting a movement" and or getting a large group of people to "want to do that" whatever "that" may be. It is a study in group think psychology.

In the video it shows an outdoor concert with a bunch of people just standing around, then, one guy starts to dance like a madman, at first people look at him like, "what up with this guy" , he is the odd man out, the outlying weirdo but then, something very "human" happens, another guy joins in, now there are two, and as important as the second guy is for establishing a "movement" it is the third person who joins in that really solidifies the "start of something" that third person is key to the group of observers standing around watching to think "hey maybe this dancing stiff isn't so bad after all" and the next thing you know, the entire field of people who just moments ago were standing around are now all dancing, emulating the one guy who started the "movement"

And in the same way that "movements" or trends start as described above is the same way that they get deconstructed.

I very much see your side of this, I really do, regardless of what you may think of my "opinion" or my way of expressing it.

Every guitar that is made from these materials , old cut or new, helps to psychologically re-enforce the "ok'ness" of using these woods.

I'm simply saying that the group of "us" are not responsible enough, regardless of the reasons, to manage and use this material properly, until factory farming of these popular woods is scaled up to easily supply the industries that want them, we, as the stewards of the planet need to do everything possible to stop using these materials for x amount of time so as to allow the ecosystems to heal.

If we could somehow say, "ok we cut these trees down, we'll only use these, and not cut anymore new ones down" I think that's what many people think is going on, or hope is going on,but again I suggest that we have "raped the forest" so much that extreme measures such as "wood shaming" are necessary.

I think it's too difficult to determine what was cut "legal" and what was not in the past and that's why we have Lacey act and CITES forcing us to change.

I'm all for certain aspects of it, and very much against others.

The bottom line is that we have treated some forests like crap with the dollar being the motivating factor for their destruction, knowing that we can not know exactly how wood was sourced, we have to now deconstruct the dance and make it broad spectrum "not ok" to use this material until the forest is healed and factory sources are available

every guitar that gets made from these materials, even if the wood was cut 100 years ago sends a message of "it's ok" when the problem is we have an established record of driving crap into the ground until it's "not ok" , just like Elephants, just like Ivory.

So it is the compounding psychological effect in that we are not responsible enough to use Rosewood right now, because if we were we would not be having this conversation and that we as a species as a group unfortunately need to treat ourselves like children and "take the candy away" because every piece you shove in your mouth makes some other kid want to shove it in his mouth and spoil their dinner,