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Old 06-10-2013, 11:39 PM
jibberibber jibberibber is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 205

Sorry to hear about your injury issues. It's no fun at all, I went through over 4 years of being sent around in circles by doctors to various practitioners. Some things helped the problems go away, but for me they always came back when I picked up the guitar again, sometimes in a different area.

I believe that for almost all of what we call repetitive strain injuries, what matters most by far is how you use your body as you play. This is your responsibility. For years I thought I was a victim of something , and it actually became a huge part of my identity. Now I believe if you have injury issues, you are most likely doing something wrong. But the approach most doctors and practitioners take is trying to get rid of your symptoms, instead of wondering why you got the problem in the first place.

What saved my playing life was Alexander Technique lessons, and since then I have completely changed the way I use my body when I play. They can help you become aware of patterns of unnecessary tension in your musculature that are under your radar, and that contribute to or entirely cause your issues. I believe AT lessons are covered by healthcare in the UK. Not a quick fix at all, but everything else I encountered was just a band-aid that didn't address the cause of the problem...which was me!

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