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Old 11-08-2014, 06:48 PM
Alan Carruth Alan Carruth is offline
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JLT quoted Bill Cumpiano as saying:
"The master has persevered past the errors until he's made all of them."

The problem with that is that errors are endless: you will never make all of them. What does happen is that the errors you make become less and less egregious in an absolute sense, while, at the same time, being more and more galling. As Dante said in the 'Divine Comedy' (Chardi's translation):"The closer a thing is to perfection the more it feels of pleasure or of pain". As your guitars get better the little things that didn't used to bother you become bigger issues, and you spend more time chasing those last problems. Perfection is, of course, asymptotic; you can get halfway from where you are to 'perfect' by simply doubling the effort you've already put in. If 50% takes a hundred hours, 75% takes 200, 87.5% takes 400, and so on. At some point you declare victory and move on, but you will never stop making mistakes.
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