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Old 03-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Neal Neal is offline
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Originally Posted by RiloKiley View Post
This is slightly off topic, but I am thinking of getting a starter resonator. What I was wondering is how loud are they? It seems like they are significantly louder than the majority of acoustic guitars from the youtube clips I have heard. This might just be the recordings, I'm not too sure.

This probably defeats the purpose a bit,but can you play them quietly? I ask because I live in a condo and I like to dig in a bit but it might not be a great idea if it is incredibly loud and waking up the neighbors
Yes. Loud. I have played a few that were very quiet, look for the 200 dollar one, any brand, likely to be quiet, no guarantee, but likely. If it has a cutaway and costs 200, even more likely.
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