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Old 08-28-2017, 04:58 AM
David Rock David Rock is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Posts: 197
Default inquiring minds want to know

Good for you trying to 'figure out' chord progressions! Sometimes it is easy, sometimes not so much. I believe my biggest single artistic influence came from Phil Keaggy.

In my mind, although his work always follows a path, he doesn't necessarily follow the 'rules'. It sets up some surprises along the way.

Years ago I started writing my own music (instrumental only) because of my own inquiring mind and I thought it was more fun than learning off of the page. Some of my own compositions don't even suck too bad! Ha!

One I wrote because I wanted to get a better grip on diminshed chords (that was the purpose and it turned out good so it stays in repetiore). Almost every chord is major...even an A (instead of Am) following a G (in the key of G).

Here is one that was built out trying to understand how a flatted 7th fits into major key. What I found out as I was writing it is that the 7Majb is really very close to the 4th (as a 4th13). That makes much more musical 'sense' to me -- but I like the way it sounds in this progression.


I have found music theory and writing to be the challenge I was looking for in music. There is so much fun in working out ideas in your head and somehow capturing that in the mechanics of effort.

I guess this is a lot of words to reiterate that old adage 'if it sounds good to you, it is good'.

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