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Old 02-02-2016, 05:08 PM
dirkronk dirkronk is offline
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I'm eating more kale these days, but only as fresh salads ordered in restaurants. Haven't bought any to prep at home.

Kale is heaven compared to least the way my Belgian grandmother served it. But both can be bitter if the leaves aren't young and tender...and as someone mentioned, removing the ribs helps. My "opoe" would pluck endive (she pronounced it ON-deev, not IN-dive) right out of the truck garden, often picking large leaves that were tough and scratchy--with weedlike sharp edges--as well as bitter. She served it only raw, too, so I hated the stuff when I was little. I was in my 30s before I learned it didn't have to taste that way...and now, oddly enough, I like fresh young endive just fine.


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