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Old 08-18-2009, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Howard Emerson View Post

Eventually I realized that the point of my playing live was to be actively listened to, as opposed to my being able to rise above the din with brute volume capabilities.
and therein lies the reason I've been almost cold turkey from performing for the last few years. There are very few "rooms" in my locale that are conducive to active's certainly more rewarding that way!

Also, for myself, as my guitars have become much better over the years, I've become less and less interested in amplification via pickup. There just aren't ANY out there that come close to a fine handbuilt guitars timbre.

I could see the auditorium that was in one of the Healsburg pics with a pretty high end PA set up and a few good quality mics. One thing that I consider in a large part of a guitar purchase is how microphone friendly it is....I'm sure there are other buyers/players that would feel the same.
"One small heart, and a great big soul that's driving"

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