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Old 10-12-2015, 01:51 PM
SimplyLuo SimplyLuo is offline
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Originally Posted by Petty1818 View Post
How did you like the Amulet M?
It sounded good. Nothing particularly noteworthy vs the Dazzo, and vice versa. Both sound good; tone is probably the last thing I would consider if choosing between the two. Both systems will sound fine given a good installation.
Both have tricky installations. They both also claim to have greatly simplified the installation to a quick and easy process, but let's be real: little shifts in position can make a huge difference in tone. What they're really going for with the easy installations is a "good enough" tone. The value of eliminating the nightmarish reputation of installing the pickups greatly outweighs the slight (to some) loss of tone.

Dual source configurations become more complicated with the Trance system due to the preamp. If you want to use the Trance preamp with say a magnetic pickup, you're then limited to only being able to use one of the Lenses. So if you want both Trance pickups and a mic or magnetic pickup, you'll be drilling two holes in your guitar.
The Dazzo doesn't use an internal preamp so it's not limited like the Trance in that way.

The creators of both pickups are great people. So for me, it really comes down to little details and compromises like the above. Do you value the convenience of a built-in battery powered preamp? etc. What I will say about how they sound is that they are both noticeably more realistic than the K&K. Does that matter? Probably not as much as we gear heads think. I find myself falling in the "good enough" camp these days.
Jon Luo
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