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Old 04-23-2010, 05:59 PM
Joseph Hanna Joseph Hanna is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob Womack View Post
The Mac farms out sharing permissions to a number of arcane locations. It has no central control over power saving options - whomever logs on last determines how the computer behaves after log-off. If he doesn't turn off sleep options on an always-active computer, sweet dreams! Also, if one person from your workgroup accesses a shared directory and changes the view or color tags files, everyone gets to enjoy the changes until someone changes it back. Support files for programs can be spread across the computer. Programs may need to be either installed as one instance for all users or on a user-by-user basis but no-one seems to publicize the info. Etc. I could go on and on.

Oh my Bob

As I've mentioned here before we have 4 bays and at busy times of the year those bays are running 24/7. Inevitably during crunch periods we simply must hire free-lance guys. That's 12 guys pounding some ridiculous dead lines. If anyone for ANY reason tried to log in as a separate user or if anyone had the balls to even think about touching preferences for Pro Tools, Pro Tools templates or gawd forbid the Mac Preferences, I simply and with prejudice would fire em on the spot.

If I come in in the morning to some network "feed" crisis and I'm forced to figure out what preference switch someone has thrown the night before in order to correct some "fixes" pass down the line, while some PC is breathing down my neck about deadlines, someone's gonna have to clean up the mess from my head that's just exploded and someone else is gonna be out of work.

Everyone here agrees to work off the same pref's...period. No exceptions EVER! Otherwise mayhem is inevitable.
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