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Old 12-12-2016, 06:19 AM
JonPR JonPR is offline
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Originally Posted by LeftArm View Post
When I was learning classical I was told that the rest stroke causes the string to vibrate perpendicular to the soundboard causing more of an up and down vibration in the top. A free stroke causes the string to vibrate parallel to the top so there is less up and down vibration of the top.
Seems to make sense to me.
Yes, I can see the logic there. In fact, if I touch the bridge (with left hand) when picking rest and free strokes, I think I can feel the difference - it seems like more vibration from the rest stroke. That would explain why a rest stroke seems to have more "body" to it. (But notice I use the words "think" and "seem"... one could easily be deceived by this sort of thing.)
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