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Old 03-01-2017, 03:10 PM
s0cks s0cks is offline
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Default Do you rest your fingers on unused strings?

As a fingerstyle player do you rest your picking hand fingers on unused strings when playing? I tend to hover my hand above the strings at all times, but maybe this is wrong (self taught)?

I experimented with leaving any fingers not in use just resting on the string. I found I had better awareness of the strings and I was less likely to accidentally hit a wrong string. This in turn made me feel more confident.

I don't normally hit a wrong string, but I can occasionally graze other strings while playing. I don't anchor either, so maybe by resting unused fingers I'm in effect creating a temporary anchor? Wondering whether I should pursue this method, or if I'm wasting my time (I ask cus it's pretty hard to do on pieces using all strings, I have to think about resting certain finger during certain passages as I'm not used to it).
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