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Old 02-16-2018, 04:42 AM
Guest 1511
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Skilletlicker View Post
I'm 65 years old and wanted to play guitar my whole life. A Seagull S6 will be delivered later today. I've played keyboards (badly) for many years so musically not starting from scratch, but never played guitar.
Any suggestions or recommendations on how to learn?
Learn the basic chords first and practice changing between them. Don't even try barre chords for a few weeks, because you will end up thinking that playing guitar is all voodoo trickery if you do <grin>. Give yourself time, your hand (left hand) and fingers need to build up strength, especially your pinky will feel useless until it gets stronger. You'll sound all wrong and your fingers will touch adjacent strings at first, so practice getting those chords to ring out cleanly.

As you get used to that work in some easy-to-play single note progressions so you can begin to learn how to finger pick songs. You'll probably just flat pick stuff at first. It will take a while to learn how to thump a bass line while picking with your other four fingers (not everyone uses all four, I'm just saying that as an example).

Youtube is your friend and so are DVD and books about learning guitar. Toby Walker has some good stuff and he's active here, as are others. You've come to a great resource and I'm sure there'll be a lot more, and better posts than mine to come.

I will get some grief for this next bit, but, don't try learning notation at first, stick with TAB. You can learn notation later if you fancy that method. But with TAB you'll be plucking right away instead of wracking your brain trying to figure out which frets and strings those little dots represent.
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