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Old 04-15-2024, 09:29 PM
JBarlow12 JBarlow12 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 14
Default Go Acoustic vs. L.R. Baggs Hifi

Hello all! I am frustrated with the current pickup system in my main acoustic, and looking to try something different. Typically, I have been more into a K&K/Dazzo type pickup due to it sounding beefier/darker and less quack. I was strongly considering the L.R. Bangs Hifi system (trying to hold out for the Duet version), but heard good things about the Go Acoustic system. I know that the Go Acoustic system is very different than a soundboard transducer, and I am not particularly stuck on just one type of system. Does anyone have any comparisons of the two systems? Here are a few other notes:

-- This will be going into a Santa Cruz Tony Rice guitar.

-- I primarily do country/pop/bluegrass

-- I am usually using this for acoustic trio shows right now, but bonus points if the system can handle louder stages.

-- I am using a Grace Audio Felix preamp. One channel gets used for other instruments, so my guitar would only get a single channel.

I appreciate any input. Thanks all!
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