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Old 04-22-2024, 12:06 PM
AcousticDreams AcousticDreams is offline
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Default What are your thoughts on UA Helios Type 69?

I do not believe we have had discussions on this before?

Preamps can make some difference in tracking. Obviously preamps effect color & character through its type of transformers, capacitors & circuitry used? However would I be wrong in assuming it is also about letting the mic get to peak performance through the Amount & Type of power, the preamp is presenting? Of course the two are intertwined.

If the latter is true, then the question that begs to be asked is about preamp plugins and their effect on a signal after tracked. I would assume that only the color & character from the transformers, capacitors and circuitry would come into play with a preamp plug in?

Never the less I would love to get some of character I have heard from demos of the newer clone Helios 69 preamps. I believe a type of Helios was even used on the recording of Pete Townsend's guitar in Pinball Wizard.

Anybody with any experience on UA's Hellios Type 69 plugin versus the real thing or the new breed of clones 69 hardware? I can not afford the hardware...and UA Helios is on sale right now for $39.

Also, I can not figure out if they have truly upgraded this version since coming out? Or is it just that you can now use them with native without purchasing their gear?
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