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Old 04-17-2024, 05:49 AM
PassingThru PassingThru is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2019
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Posts: 624
Default Could Really Use Some Advice

I'm getting new hearing aids on May 2nd. I will be bringing an acoustic with me for the audiologist to tweak the Music setting for me. I still remember what a Martin sounds like in my hands. I want to bring a wooden Martin with me to the appointment. Problem, I don’t have a Martin with me in the RV.

I do have several options.

Buy one from Guitar Center and return it after the appointment.

Buy one and keep it (like this one best) darn the RV humidity control issues. I would just keep it in the case with humidipaks and play it like I owned it.

Just bring my McPherson Sable.

To buy and keep, I’m just an over the hill singer/songwriter and that appreciates the Martin feel and sound. Torn between the D and 000 in an 18 or 28. Still trying to decide if a modern deluxe is the way to go.

Any performing would be at open mikes or busking.

Any thoughts or comments will be appreciated.
Martin D-28 Modern Deluxe
Martin 000-16 (does not live with me)
McPherson Sable
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