Thread: Online lessons
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Old 04-08-2024, 03:56 AM
Silly Moustache Silly Moustache is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: The Isle of Albion
Posts: 22,331

I became an online, one-to-one teacher with the first Covid lockdown in 2020. Through my You Tube channel I started getting requests, and one great guy from Atlanta acquainted me with "Zoom". which I still use.

I believe that most teachers sell a "suite" of so many sessions, some asking for payment in advance. This will ensure them of income and perhaps encourage clients to stay with them.

I don't do that.

I offer one hour sessions for which I ask $55 paid via Paypal AFTER each session.

At the end of each session, I ask my client if they would like to book the next, and we agree.
Whilst I recommend weekly sessions - it is for the client to decide.

I don't teach classical, or jazz, and minimise theory to - "as and when necessary".

We use songs (mutual choice) to teach technique that can then be applied to almost any song.
I also teach about posture, and singing.

I often spend as much as an hour before / after each session preparing and sending info by email.

Whilst I have to charge, I do not do this for an income - I only take one client a day.

At all times, expenditure, and frequency is totally within my client's control.

I have never, yet, met a new client who didn't choose to continue, apart from one who had a very sad family issue.

I believe that playing guitar is a hobby for most of us, and so learning should be FUN!

If this is of interest, maybe you might like to PM me.
Silly Moustache,
Just an old Limey acoustic guitarist, Dobrolist, mandolier and singer.
I'm here to try to help and advise and I offer one to one lessons/meetings/mentoring via Zoom!
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