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Old 03-26-2024, 08:53 AM
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Bob Womack Bob Womack is offline
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I'm sorry to hear of this. My wife and I have taken the Key Bridge while traveling to and from locations north of Baltimore. We are beginning to learn that there was a "mayday" call that the ship was loosing power that led the authorities to stop traffic over the bridge, or at least most of it. Down here in Tidewater we have LOTS of ship traffic in Hampton roads around the two bridge tunnels and none of it uses tugs. They help the ships away from the piers and get them twisted into the narrow channels of the rivers and then let them go. I was aboard USS Enterprise when they did exactly this. We crossed over both the Hampton Roads and Chesapeake Bridge/Tunnels on our own power and steering, and, in fact, passed an inbound submarine as we crossed one of them, and rendered honors to her.

Originally Posted by RP View Post
The last time I was in Baltimore was in August 2011. My lady friend and I were at the Aquarium watching the dolphin show when the whole place shuddered. The aquarium had this 4D show, and I thought that's what it was. However, the dolphins were herded into another enclosure and the visitors were herded out the door. There were lots of people out on the streets in the downtown area. When you live in Virginia your mind doesn't automatically think earthquake, but that's what it was. A 5.8 that shook the whole east coast. We hurriedly packed and got in the car to head back to Central Virginia which unbeknownst to us was the epicenter in Mineral, Virginia. Haven't been back to Baltimore; the place is jinxed...
I rode that one out on the second floor of a large building down in Tidewater. We felt the earth move laterally. Interesting.
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