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Old 02-29-2024, 05:19 PM
PointlessPicks PointlessPicks is offline
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Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 20
Default Stage presence..

There is definitely a mind-set to improving performing in front of others. There are a precious few who seem to have come out of the womb being natural entertainers. Perhaps Ms. Swift is in this category.

Most of the rest of us have had to work at it. I am nearing retirement and am planning to work hard enough until I can get songwriter gigs at local festivals in the area where I live. It is not easy.

For the past year I have open mic'd nearly weekly and I am only just getting a handle on stage fright. More importantly, I am learning how to OWN the stage on which I am playing. I believe this is a necessity for a good performance. This means crushing any negative thoughts you are having while performing.

Unfortunately, substances help a bit. A drink or two can really assist in calming the negative thoughts. It does not improve your accuracy in fretting notes or hitting notes while singing but in the end that does not matter so much. I am currently reading Lucinda Williams recent biography, she drinks 2 glasses of wine before performing.

Most of what we consider flaws while performing are NEVER noticed by audiences. This is important to remember. Realizing this, and, remembering to have fun are the most important things with respect to performing in front of others.

I hope this helps.

Cheers, Doug
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