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Old 12-22-2023, 12:01 PM
Steely Glen Steely Glen is online now
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Default Audigo Labs Bluetooth Mic - A Short Review (Spoiler: WOW!)

On Black Friday, I took a chance on the Audigo Labs wireless mic. I had seen it advertised on social media with pretty stellar reviews. When it arrived, I was pretty blown away by it in a way that's rare for me in purchasing gear.

Basically, it's a digital bluetooth mic coupled with Audigo's proprietary iOS and Android studio app to create high fidelity digital audio and The trick seems to be that the mic has internal memory to store the audio files and then sync with the video you create in their app. No more having to pull audio and video in a program post-recording a sync everything up.

The app accommodates multi-track recording and has some post-recording EQ and effects you can.

This video below is one that I shot this morning. Pretty much one take so pardon the sloppy playing. Add a bit of reverb and saved the video to my phone. The whole thing took about 3 minutes. It took longer to upload it YouTube than to make the video.

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