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Old 11-28-2023, 12:55 PM
doodahdoug doodahdoug is offline
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Default Michel Aboudib Italian Spruce - Bois de Rose Mod-D

Originally Posted by Jamiejoon View Post
Wow, Bois De Rose! Nice! You don't get to see that very often, and your set looks amazing. Congrats!
Originally Posted by Nemoman View Post
Yowzah! I'm late to the party here, but Wow--the woods look primo.

And the rosette--I've never figured out how a luthier can have the patience and skill level to create such an art form. It's such a high level of craftsmanship.

I truly look forward to watching this one come together--congrats, Doug, on commissioning another masterpiece!

Thank you Jamie and Kevin for your generous comments. Kevin, I have always admired Somogyi's carved rosettes and Leo Buendia is also doing some amazing work with this style of rosette on his guitars. Given that Michel was already crafting carved rosettes on his earlier builds I was glad to see that the Somogyi style of carved rosettes was one of the many things Michel absorbed during his apprenticeship with Ervin.

Below is a photo showing the preliminary voicing of the top in progress:

I asked Michel about his reinforcement of the underside of the rosette and here's what he had to say about that:

"The doughnut you see is a piece of spruce on which I glued the (blue) backing paper. It is inlayed in a channel underneath the rosette. Another doughnut, a bit wider, was glued on top of that to reinforce the whole area.
So the whole rosette has about 2.5 mm of spruce reinforcing it. On top of the doughnut I glued two little braces that extend from the x to the transverse brace".

Below "is a picture from a few days ago. The floating back brace was added since then and the inside of the back got a couple coats of finish. I laminated the sides with padauk".

Unfortunately, Michel did not take a photo of the back with the floating back brace installed prior to closing the box, so I've included a photo that shows his Traugott style floating back brace (used with Jeff's permission) on my Aboudib MA-D to give you an idea how that is incorporated.

Michel: "I made a small variation (from Traugott's) in the joinery, without affecting the function of the brace. This stronger longitudinal structure of the back also improves the stability of the heel block, so the neck angle is more stable over time."

Last edited by doodahdoug; 11-30-2023 at 06:41 AM.
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