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Old 11-29-2022, 06:27 PM
Rudy4 Rudy4 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danbgt View Post
I am an old guy. I started playing guitar four years ago at age 68. Immediately began working on fingerstyle acoustic. Love John Fahey, Jack Rose type stuff. I didn’t plan on ever performing. Just playing for my enjoyment. It’s a hobby. An endeavor to keep my brain and hands from dying in retirement. My mother at 96 years old is in an assisted living facility and I recently have thought that they would enjoy some acoustic entertainment and it would be fun for me. (Back note. I started playing drums at 12 years old in 1962 and played for several years in a few bands. I remember the feeling of performing before an audience. Loved it. But those were much different times and venues! &#129763. Since I don’t think a bunch of old folks in assisted living would enjoy my amateur foray into John Fahey tunes, I have decide to spend some time, like a year, working on some fingerstyle Christmas carols for next year.
I recently purchased an Orange Crush Acoustic 30. I have played with it some but really don’t have a handle on it yet. I was thinking about buying a Sonicake Sonic Wood effects pedal. My main guitars are a Taylor 312ce 12 fret and a Taylor 412ce custom 12 fret. I may use a Taylor 352ce 12 string. If I can get a good enough grasp on it.
So now the question. What do I really need to play small venues, like assisted living facilities, and how do I set it up?
Sorry for the long post!
Here's what I use, it's all you really need for smaller gigs. Set yourself up something that's easy to carry, quick to set up, and is simple to use. You can always go bigger if you find a need to do that later, but I'm guessing that won't be necessary. Your 2 channel Orange amp would work fine in a smaller setting.

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