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Old 10-17-2022, 02:16 AM
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pandaroo pandaroo is offline
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Location: Perth, Western Australia
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I just visited Singapore last July and managed to try an example of the NEXG that the shop had on display. I went to a basement of a hotel where most of the music shops tend to locate. I knew about this before and was looking forward to it with the hope getting one to meddle around with.

The strings they had on the guitar as stock standard probably didn't do it justice, it was pretty worn but I honestly didn't think any good quality new strings would make the product any better. The cool looking guitar is indeed cool looking, the example I played is white in colour. The guitar, I am afraid felt pretty cheap in my hands. Out of the box set up is terrible. The built in speaker which is the highlight is plenty loud but that's about it, it doesn't sound pleasant. I was chasing a good acoustic replicated sound but it didn't deliver and sounded very electronic or twangy. The functions and features are smart for sure but the sound output is a little less desirable to my ears. The Yamaha Silent Guitar is much more premium built than the NEXG. I used to own a "custom" Little Martin with a built in speaker replacing the soundhole more than 10 years ago and that has pretty good speakers to boot which made the little martin growl like a dreadnought with full bass. The speaker on the NEXG is pretty flat EQ sounding but not sure if there is a setting that could change that though.

Obviously, I didn't buy one in the end.
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