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Old 03-09-2022, 07:17 AM
Charter Member
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 3,956

In the beginning, concentrate on the bass notes.

Learn to play the 1st and 5th with a smooth, constant timing.

Provided you are fingering the chord correctly. Any other string you pluck within the chord will sound correct.

So let your fingers move how it feels right to you.

At this point, the focus should be to just getting the coordination of moving all your fingers at different times. And IN time.

The specific order of which string to pluck at which time, will come in time.

So if you play say a G chord. Alternate your thumb on the 6 & 5 strings, in half time.

Let the rest of your fingers. Like tapping on a table, in tempo to the song. Dance on the 4,3,2,&1 strings at random. In double time.

For a C chord, bass notes on the 5 & 4 strings. You can also add your little finger to finish out the chord with the G note on 6 string 3rd fret.

Let your fingers play. If you have any musical ability at all. You will begin to hear patterns that make sense to you.

Key is, learn to play like you. You may surprise yourself.

Once you kinda get the hang of it. You will begin to follow more specific instruction, with a bit more understanding.

Does a mama bird give extreme tutorials to their baby bird on how to fly?

No, she shows them, this is how your wings flap. And kicks them out of the nest.

They either learn really quick, or crash and burn.

Fingerstyle is not for everybody. But the sooner you get used to moving a certain way. The sooner you will be comfortable with it.
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