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Old 08-21-2021, 10:33 PM
archerscreek archerscreek is offline
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Cliffs Notes Version:

When I was a teenager, sports were my life. However, I started suffering from severe lower back pain. On one occasion, I was sprinting and a shooting pain suddenly came upon me and caused me to collapse it was so bad. I sought medical attention. A medical doctor told me I had to give up sports. I went to see a chiropractor. The chiropractor told me the medical doctor was a quack. The chiropractor helped tremendously and I went back a time or two for subsequent realignment sessions.

Then one day I was in the chiropractor’s waiting room and read through a chiropractor trade book/magazine that included some do-it-yourself lower back related stretching, posture, and alignment exercises. I’ve done those stretches and exercises ever since and have never needed to go back.
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