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Old 01-20-2018, 08:38 AM
DrewStrummer DrewStrummer is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 179

From everything I’ve read about Sipo (not Mahogany) it’s a fine replacement... cabinet makers are having the same problem with Hondours Mahogany, and find sipo is just as easy to cut, sand and stain, where as African Mahogany is hard and difficult to work with.

My thoughts are, just because a wood is easy to cut and stain, doesn’t necessarily make it tonely the same.

I also think it’s wrong for Martin to call sipo - Mahogany... in 2013 they introduce the highly praised CEO 7, which was widely reviewed ... after 1000 guitars, they decide to use sipo ( less expensive) instead of Mahogany.... I think the CEO7 line should’ve stopped being produce, or name changed to CEO7-S instead of still saying it’s made of Mahogany. After 1000, it’s not the same Guitar.

IMO... you can’t change over 50% of the wood on a Guitar, and because it stains and looks like Mahogany, don’t make it sound like Mahogany... if sipo is so excellent... why not put it on your new John Mayer guitars?

Everybody knows over time how Real Mahogany opens up over time and sounds wonderful... nobody knows how sipo will mature... I just just think it’s wrong to take a successful line, change the wood with no warning, a less expensive wood, a tonally unproven wood, charge the same price, then call the wood something it is not. Who knows, maybe 20 years from sipo is like Brazilian and everybody’s over paying for it, or in 20 years it’s a clunk... who knows... but to slip it in on a popular pricey line, selling 2000 more without anybody knowing is BS.

Last edited by DrewStrummer; 01-20-2018 at 10:39 AM.
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