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Old 12-10-2017, 02:36 PM
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Larry Pattis Larry Pattis is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 11,952

Tom continues to have password/logon problems, and he asked me to post the following, so that all questions are answered directly.

From Tom Rein:
First, let me thank Larry for his write-up and videos of his recently purchased guitar. It is always gratifying to hear one of my guitars in the hands of such a gifted musician. As Larry mentioned, I am in the process of moving to the Ann Arbor, MI area and my computer is back in St Louis. I have been relying on 4G for communication and it is distinctly difficult typing on a cell phone. I had my computer remember my login for the I would not have to enter it each time I visited. Well, that works great if you are always by the same computer. I am trying to reset my password but it is proving to be a bit difficult. So Larry has agreed to copy and paste this email into an AGF posting under his profile. Hopefully the password issue will be resolved quickly and I can post directly to the AGF.

The consensus that my website is out of date is correct. My web guy and his wife recently had a child and he's a bit frayed with this and his regular job. It seems nearly everyone I have met in Ann Arbor is in the tech world in some fashion so I believe it will be easier to keep my site up to date. I wish I could maintain my site myself, but being in my mid-60s pretty much guarantees that web development is not a native attribute!

Anyway, some questions have come up in this thread that I would like to answer.

All my guitars are now made with my adjustable neck joint, the so-called RJN (Rein Adjustable Neck). So, to be correct, all the model numbers of guitars shown on the site should have RJN as a prefix. The number corresponds to the size. My Model 3 is very much a current model. I do not make an exact OM-style guitar. My Model 3 is meant to fit in the OM size category, but with deeper sides than an OM. I've always liked a more rounded outline and the curve of the lower bout between the waist and tail block puts your arm in a very natural position.Vasu posted pics of the first version of the RJN, with the adjustment screw on the outside of the guitar buried in the heel. This somewhat resembles the clock key adjustment mechanism as seen on Stauffer guitars, although this first version of the RJN was designed to be much more solid than the early Viennese designs. About 4 years ago, I re-vamped the RJN so that all the action adjustments are carried out by manipulating 2 hex-head cap screws located on the headblock. The one to the left is a locking mechanism and the one to the right and situated lower on the block is the actual action adjusting screw. To adjust the action, simply loosen the locking mechanism, dial in the string height while up to pitch, and re-tighten the locking mechanism. These adjustments are carried out through the soundhole with a long handled, ball-end T-driver that I furnish with the guitar.

The guitar that was mentioned at Eddie's Guitars is 5 years old. It was one of the last ones I made with a non-adjustable neck attachment. It is a full bolt-on so adjusting the neck angle is much easier than a glued-in dovetail. This guitar was the first one I made from cocobolo, which started me on a path of coco obsession. This guitar does not have double sides. It has a French polished soundboard and nitro back, sides, and neck.

I am always happy to answer questions through my website email.
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