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Old 12-09-2017, 10:01 AM
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Bob Womack Bob Womack is offline
Guitar Gourmet
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Between Clever and Stupid
Posts: 27,219

At times we have had in my household what I like to call "Second Customs." In 1996 I visited the U.K. for two weeks. I spent a lot of time gift shopping. At the end of the trip as I was waiting to board the return flight, I wandered into the duty-free shop and bought four pounds of Cadbury's chocolate. That's four of those big one-pound bars, one for each member of the family. Yum!

I arrived home exhausted, dragged my bags up to the bedroom, and crashed and burned with a massive case of jet lag and traveler's fatigue. The next morning I went downstairs and had my first really good breakfast in two weeks before I unpacked then went back to my bedroom for the gifties I'd bought for everyone. Imagine my surprise when I only found tin foil scraps where the chocolate bars had been. "Second Customs," our golden retriever named "Goldie," had polished them all off. Four pounds. Chocolate isn't good for dogs. Goldie slept for a day and a half. And you know, I think it was the only time I think I saw her sleep with a smile on her face.

"It is said, 'Go not to the elves for counsel for they will say both no and yes.' "
Frodo Baggins to Gildor Inglorion, The Fellowship of the Ring

THE MUSICIAN'S ROOM (my website)
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