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Old 02-14-2017, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by TomB'sox View Post
That is also quite a different technique with the end blocks I believe. I have not seen them being glued to the top first, rather most seem to glue them to the rim assembly and then to the top when the top is mated to the rims...hmmm as Artie Johnson use to say hmmmm veeerrry interesting.
Bruce builds without the use of molds (in the air). The two blocks are adhered to the top before the rims are bent. The rims are bent without the aid of molds. He also uses individual Spruce peone to create his top linings vs. a continuous kerfed Spanish Cedar or Mahogany linings. Look over a few of his build threads and it will become clear.
A bunch of nice archtops, flattops, a gypsy & nylon strings…