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Old 07-20-2016, 01:41 PM
JackH JackH is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 218

To play an open A chord I put middle on D, index on G and ring on B. I chose this when I was first starting because it put two fingers against the second fret and the inex closer to the second fret as I could. That's the only reason I used to select this fingering. But as time goes on we find all sorts of situations where we need to change the fingering.

A good example of using a different (than standard) fingering for an E chord is to use index on 3rd string, ring on the 5tg string and pinky on the 4th string. The first time I tried this it was a bit awkward. After that though it's super easy and also lends itself to easier (a little bit) changes in chords. Finger the E this way then go to a chord in the barred E shape for example. Your ring and pinky are already on the correct strings. This helps me a lot when jumping several frets. E to A (5th fret) for example.
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