Thread: Black Richlite
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Old 03-19-2015, 03:02 PM
Dloz Dloz is offline
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I agree and will reiterate the 'play it, if you like the way it feels and more importantly sounds; buy it and play it more'
I have a lower end Martin with a Richlite fretboard that I really like. I couldn't care any less if others don't like it.
I'm not sure if you folks knew this, but electric guitars weren't always electric. While I only play acoustic and prefer it, I sure am glad Les Paul didn't curb his innovative mind and give up his creation. I can only imagine the criticism he endured while creating and innovating. I'm thankful he didn't stop at "it always has been a hollow body wood instrument, therefore it always should and will."
The automobile industry is making significant progress and making cars fueled by something other than gasoline. Again, creative, intelligent, innovative people working towards changing what 'always has' fueled cars.
I work in healthcare research and education. Without evolution and innovation our average life span would still be 48 years. Many ideas and inventions resulted in failure. Yet again, I'm thankful we don't stop creating new processes, medications, etc.
Having ranted, my only concern over synthetic materials is how they will uphold over time. I get the idea that because Richlite isn't wood, it should be more adverse to climate change, humidity and so on. I wonder about the opposite. If the neck and body are wood they will(no matter how hard you try) change shape over time. If the fretboard will never evolve with them will it create more of a problem? I haven't seen this yet but who knows?
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