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Old 04-28-2014, 02:51 PM
414CE Koa 414CE Koa is offline
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Posts: 142
Default New Uke owner questions.

Hey all,

Seems to be a lot of us guitarists venturing into the Uke realm! I recently decided to expand my musical horizons a bit and decided to try the uke. I played a few and thought about it for a while finally getting one a couple weeks ago. It was a Cordoba 20TM-CE. Now I understand this is not a premier uke, but for starters I just wanted a basic one to learn on a see if I like it enough to get into it.

Now the original uke I purchased played reasonably well but had alot of fret buzz in places and the electronics didn't seem to work. Since it was brand new they just exchanged it and my new one arrived today. Well the electronic don't seem to work on this one either. I've been just hooking it up to guitar amp and nothing. Also while there is not fret buzzing the string action seems really high, it doesn't stay in tune very well, and it sounds bland. Now that could well just be it needs new strings and it definitely needs a set up.

Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong with the electronics? not that it matters I mainly want it for acoustic playing.

Also I suppose I have to take this to a pro as I really don't see much in the line of adjustments for the neck. Is there anything I can try to do to adjust the action?

I'm new to the uke world so I'm sorry if I'm asking dumb questions


Acoustic Guitars:
Taylor, Martin, Alvarez, Kay, Gibson

Electric Guitars:
Gibson, Fender, ESP, Schecter, Jackson, PRS
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