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Old 07-05-2012, 04:26 AM
SpiderTrap SpiderTrap is offline
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Default Funny Posts on music Stands

Im new to the forum and got quite a kick out of reading music stand opinions . I've been playing over 30 years and with the 100 or so songs i play I HAVE to use one. no matter how many times I play a song, they will be times a chord can not be thought of quickly - or a lyric line lost , most embarassing , so i rely on one , a VERY SMALL ONE in the very small notebook type so less noticeable altho there . it makes me much more comfortable to have the crutch not being a " Professional " Musician , something which is brought about by beginning to play in puberty I think ... while I started at 25 BIG DIFFERENCE . I had a duo in West Palm with a Lead player who was self taught from AGE 6 . He was tremendous but couldnt Sing and didnt know why . I Had to tell him , you have to transpose the song to suit YOUR VOCAL ABILITY . almost all of my songs are transposed somewhat or capo played a couple frets . MANY Do not understand this concept but makes for much more comfortable singings and listening. took me years to figure that one out .. Kudos to all with brilliant memories who can remember every chord and lyric of every song ... I wish I could ...
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