Thread: Guild Gad-c3
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Old 11-20-2010, 03:26 AM
ddewees ddewees is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 22

I have a C1 that I bought in August. My first nylon string. After a good setup it has been very fun to play. I am learning songs to play at my step daughters wedding in April. So, despite playing for 30 years the past 4 or 5 months has been the most intense acoustic period I have ever had. I'm also schooling myself on fingerstyle playing as well.

When shopping I compared the C1 to a Taylor hc24 and side by side the C1 was fuller sounding I also played a Takamine (I think the 132 model that retails about $400 more than the c1) and Cordoba that was close to the price point of the C1. I decided to go without a built in pup or cutaway and the C1 won out.

Didn't try a C3 as the small local store I bought the C1 didn't have any. Thought they do know. I think Guild has a C4 and C5 with built in pups also, but I have not seen or played them.
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