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Old 03-03-2010, 07:52 AM
knuckle knuckle is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: MA
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I don't know how educators survive. My dad was an English professor for years. BU/ Harvard, BC, etc and finally High School. He pounded nails and still does @ 70 years old to make up for what the teaching profession could not provide.

My 13 year old will be 16 very quick then it will be a whole new ball game with "dad, I need money"

I wish her mom would put some of the funds from child support away for a rainy day. But enough of that.

As for the Bose. I feel I made a better decision with that. I don't see how it's really more portable than anything else? Why because you can put the stuff in bags? The thing is not that light. Yeah the separate pieces perhaps, but it's still a lot of work no matter what way you look at it.

Yeah I'm starting to like Waits a little bit. I'm psyched about singing through the mic. That TC voice create thing is amazing.

I got one tune "county farm blues" that I rearranged by son house and the TC has a tin can megaphone type effect that sounds awesome that I'm going to use for that tune. Plus I have a can with a strap that I put over my mouth with a strap around my head that adds to that old time vocal effect which is perfect for the vibe of that particular tune. LOL

Now if my day job would stop interrupting me and stealing 10 hours a day of my time and if my wife wasn't constantly bellyaching about me ignoring her and playing music all the time I could actually get something accomplished.

I don't know what keeps me going. I'm obsessed with this stuff and the inner desire of the soul to do this drives me nuts sometimes to the point where I don't know how to balance this struggle within and sometimes I just want to sell everything and be a regular joe drinking beer every night and the extent of my existence being looking forward to the football game on the weekend. That's an existence worse than death. Anyhow, end rant. Anybody got any time for sale?

Last edited by cotten; 03-03-2010 at 09:23 AM. Reason: vocabulary