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Old 01-03-2010, 06:16 PM
dcopper dcopper is offline
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Lots of talk here about the K8 without a lot of auditioning. My suggestion is give them, and all the others a test drive. Stats are worth reviewing and needy in a lot of instances like with the baritone, etc., but in the end if the Mackies do it for you, buy 'em up. FWIW, my good bud who owns a very nice music store has greatly reduced his inventory of Mackie products due to serious quality control issues that have developed over the last couple of years. He has had way too many products to return and is considering dropping Mackie. I was pretty much a Mackie user up and down the line from mixer to powered speakers until BOSE hit the market. If you do get a chance to audition the QSCs or any of the others in their class, take your favorite mic and your set-up. That will be the true test. I was so surprised by the K8s that I bought them right away, after just buying a new acoustic amp and picking up my SoloAmp. Just my experience and not necessarily yours.
The K8s ARE designed to be used without subs, especially for acoustic music. They sounded better to me than anything in their class. You can add subs if you want but to me that is too much to lug and not enough return in your investment.
I try not to criticize anyone's sound preferences since good sound is kind of like love, you know it when you feel it, (or step in it). This post has gone kind of crazy but the bottom line is there are lots of good ideas here and lots of great folks chipping in. After all, we are all searching for the same thing, but the same thing isn't exactly the same for each of us, is it?
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