Thread: Portable PA?
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Old 11-01-2009, 12:59 PM
alohachris alohachris is offline
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Default Aloha IPA - Wait 'n See on the Bagamp

Aloha IPA,

There usually is no advantage in the audio world to being the first kid on the block to buy a new model, of anything, when it first comes out.

A good analogy is computer OS systems or DAW programs. They come out with a new version - like say the new Logic Pro 9 for Macs. Then they quickly make changes to fix the inherent, unforeseen bugs and incompatibilities. Logic Pro came out in September and already they have two made two new version changes to 9.0.2.

With all the problems that Jack Campbell has had in getting his Bagamp to market, aren't you just a little bit cautious about being among the first to order one. I mean for example, couldn't Jack have hastily bought his chipset from the wrong Chinese factory just to get this thing off the ground? Remember, for all the talk, the BA is still not on ANY shelf, despite years of hype - especially recent hype and unmet promises, right?

Larry Pattis' opinion about the Bagamp's sonic qualities here carries a lot of weight with us all. I'm sure it sounds good out of the box. But shouldn't you wait a see if Jack got it right enough to last awhile?

I know I'd probably wait at least a year to buy a Bagamp. At least the other line arrays systems mentioned here have a track record from more reputable manufacturers with longer track records. That's the smart money IPA53, IMO.

A Hui Hou!
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