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thomannfan 03-25-2024 04:59 PM

Opinions on this technique?

I am considering using this method to reduce the belly on my old Hondo acoustic dreadnought. I found it on You Tube and it seems logical but merits some oversight by you folks.

Thanks for your opinions.

3 years ago (edited)
Hello, thank you for watching my video:) I kept accurate notes on amount of belly bulge over time and in response to different things i tried. The answer to your question is yes, but the weight is critical too. The humidity helps get the structure ready to move, the heat helps the humidity to really soak into the wood, and the weight does the actual work, it moves the bulge back down. I suggest you follow these steps:
1. Place moist rag inside guitar on something plastic so the water doesn't soak the wood.. you just want the atmosphere to be humid, don't want to soak the wood.
2. Place a towel on the bottom of the guitar near or on the bulge area, then place a heating mat like the kind you use to warm a specific area of your body, or a seedling heating mat. Seedling heating mats are $13 on Amazon and that's what i used..i know they don't get too hot so you won't have to use a laser thermometer to verify temp.
3. Setup a spot right on the bulge with a towel to place the weight. The bridge is most likely the place where you want to put it. I started light and ended up with 20lbs i think. It's in the video.
4. Remove after 24 hours and measure three bulge. If it hasn't reduced, add more weight and go another 24 hours.
You don't want to move it quickly, it bulged ever so slowly so move it back slowly. Mine is still flat and it's been months. Having the atmosphere inside the guitar high humidity for a couple days before you add weight is good, i don't think you want to add weight when it's dry. Good luck!!!

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